okay, basically this is the summary of the past week. On Friday, P, my brother and some of their team mates had a downhill competition in Colinas Verdes, Bulacan, a really nice place kind off reminded me of Africa (although I've never been there, hahah but from what I see in the movies.) It was really fun and intense. P, Franco, and Pat didn't win though but they did super well! especially P! He got 6th place sooooo close I swear, a little more nalang and you'll get top 3.. Imagine what more practice could have done hahah.. We ended up getting home at like 8:30, and I woke up at 5:30 by the end of the day I was so tired and burnt!!
Saturday night was spent in my cousins 16th birthday party. It was super fun, I watched my brother get sooo drunk for the first time and twirling and doing all of these hip-hop moves on the floor, I also watched him try to score with the girls and watched Miggy and P teach him, it was cute. I feel they're like the older brothers he never had.
Today, didn't do much, it was kind've spontaneous you could say? P asked if I wanted to join him and his brother to have crepes and I decided to bring my sister, it was a double-date, chaperone, cute kind of thing hahaha.. It was so fun, I couldn't resist taking pictures.

Group Picture

Do we look a-like?

Enzo and my sister, the cutest ever!!

Natty Cutie, her own personal style

P and I before the party

The jeepney that took the skaters up

support our local longboard brands, such as fluid surf :)