The eve of my birthday was spent attending P's graduation then his dinner after, had a few drinks there with his friends then left at 12mn.. It was sweet they surprised me with a really good cake! Then when I got home there was another brownie cake with 19 candles and cute cards! It wasn't all happy though. I cried like 3 times and was sad in some parts but at the end of the day it was all worth it. On my birthday itself P picked me up from school then we headed to Alabang to purchase this cheap-o camera, which by the way we didn't end up getting making it really pointless going to Alabang, we didn't want to put it to waste so we decided to eat in Outback then head to Park Square to check out cameras. It's a good thing i didn't buy that other camera because what I got was the Olympus waterproof camera, of course it was much more expensive compared to the other one but whatever i love it! thanks P!! =) At around 6pm, P took me home to freshen up for dinner. I chose to eat in Polo clubs last chucker, they have really great black pasta that i was super craving for! The end of my birthday ended with me crying but it was the good kind of crying. Thank you to P and my parents, and lola for making this day very memorable for me!
Being greeted by my whole family in the kitchen
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