So while P was in Subic for his longboard thing I just stayed on my computer the whole day! Literally (downloading all these really cool programs!)
The weekend was not great, maybe certain portions were fun like a few moments in Franco's birthday party but Saturday was a total waste of time since I didn't do anything at all and because there was NOTHING to do, I ended up going up at 12:30.
Now, I'm so bored my whole family's watching slumdog millionaire in the den, but because I've watched it over 3 times already I'd rather sit in my chair refreshing facebook every second haha. I'm such a tech geek!
I love my new HP desktop! It has over 300 GB of space and it takes like a second to open every application, like limewire never hangs! (KNOCK ON WOOD!!) so I hope it will last me for a while.
I'm guessing I might take a little more webcam shots of me later if i get to bored. haha