day :) went to school ended up chilling in beach again with p, we waited for Raffy cause he went home with us, on the way home I had this really bad stomach pain like piercing through my stomach so I couldn't really function properly. Wonder what it was? After I met up with Raffy and p at around 7 and we ended eating in sango! Thank god my stomach didn't act up this time if I did I wouldn't be able to enjoy the food like Raffy hahaha.. P make his try this yakult like thing and it made his stomach super bad he couldn't really enjoy his meal anymore. They had master double cheeseburgers on a rice patty and I had a teriyaki burger on a rice patty so effing goooooodddddd, after that watched them skate then ended the day having a few drinks at a friends house.

-- Post From My iPhone