Monday, November 3, 2008


okay, P and I were in the car and there were literally like 50 mini coops that passed us! they were so cute and tiny. so many people driving them. they we're being televised and shit. it was some mini cooper club. so cute. too bad this was the only picture i took =(

good-bye fake tacky brown hair! hello black.. one problem though... i missed a huge spot!!

i was able to fix it just in time for halloween :)

I didn't really know what I was suppose to be? prom queen+princess+fairy=crackwhore. haha

this was my make up for the halloween party at rich's.. but because of the hassle going all the way to alabang.. P and I decided to spend it in another small get together with a whole lot of boooooozzzeeee.

total drag queen. hahaha.

one of the things my boyfriend loves to do is to longboard. he's amazing and im not being biased! so I took some picture of his hottness on the board. enjoy!

have a good day everyone!