P and I first went to my old highschool friends debut. It was gorgeous! The place was pink and black and instead of normal chairs there were pillows all over the floor and small little tables. The food was so good! i ate so much. there was really good lasagne and like a really good souffle I was slowly dying when I first tasted it.. It was nice catching up with all my old friends. P was kind enough to leave me with them so I could just talk to them. We stayed for about an hour and then headed to Anthony's house there were a bunch of people when we got there, it was really fun.. I didn't get drunk or anything but I was able to talk to some of my old friends and also bond with P.
sleepy p?
ducky lips
with the birthday girl! happy birthday mandy!!
the picture was originally him and i but couldn't delete it since P looked good and i looked like a glitter, literally.
meet some of my friends from my block.. evonne, therese, and anne
the threesome Ian, Therese, and I.. I don't think we can live without each other. hahah